Frequently we lend out our valves for in-house testing by potential and current customers in an effort to see how our valves work with their systems - not only to back up our belief in our product quality - but we also believe in ensuring our products work with their systems and if not, what can we learn from the experience to improve, how can we better built a solution that fits their exact needs? We aren't afraid to demonstrate our R&D and our quality by putting these products to the test in real environments.
Quality control in our manufacturing process is one of the foundations of our business model here at CVC. In fact, it is our first core value: “At Custom Valve Concepts the race to quality has no finish line”. Being in the industries that we are, we realize that anything less than perfect is not acceptable. It is not acceptable to shut down a refinery, or an oil well, or a submarine oxygen generation. Not only does it lead to loss of revenue, but in some situations, it may even lead to loss of life. We take this seriously, and we take pride in knowing that we ship superior products.
Quality is at the core of everything Custom Valve Concepts does, and we believe the race to quality has no finish line. We're determined to get it right for our customers with our commitment to customer expectations. As our quality manager, Jason helps us with that every day by overseeing and leading our team to create finished products with unmistakable superior quality.
Most, if not all manufacturers, will tell you their top priority is to improve quality. Customers in our business demand quality products, and, in turn, OEMs require quality performance throughout their supply chains. Tolerance for delivering anything but a quality product is low because the risk to the company’s reputation is too significant.
Quality management is traditionally considered a function of the Q&A department. In essence, almost always thought to be a part of production or post-production processes that have shared budgets, this means most of the budget goes to better machines.

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