CVC contributes to customers’ growth objectives through collaborative processes which assist them to realize new products and market expansions. CVC prides itself on putting people first and providing superior engineering and manufacturing services within the development of their products!
CVC is officially “Certified Essential” with our partnership with Automation Alley’s Project DIAMOnD. With our new 3D printer, we are ready to address the COVID-19 pandemic when the urgent need for PPE and ventilators is in short supply. This partnership helps improve our region’s manufacturing agility and response to any future disruptions.
We are often asked if Custom Valve Concepts Kates Flow Rate Controller would benefit blending & batching systems, and the answer is yes! Blending & batching systems require pressure to remain constant so that the system does not get disrupted. The Kates design is self-contained and will be a cost-effective addition to your system.

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