CVC Engineering Insights

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Delta Fluid Systems Test of Kates on Mechanical Seal Plan 54

Jul 2, 2020 |
mechanical design, quality  |
Steven Taube

Frequently we lend out our valves for in-house testing by potential and current customers in an effort to see how our valves work with their systems - not only to back up our belief in our product quality - but we also believe in ensuring our products work with their systems and if not, what can we learn from the experience to improve, how can we better built a solution that fits their exact needs? We aren't afraid to demonstrate our R&D and our quality by putting these products to the test in real environments.

Delta Fluid Systems recently tested our Kates Flo-Miser Valve on a Mechanical Seal Plan 54 Common Header System. The company recorded the results to share with us along with some feedback on the test and regarding Kates valves that we are proud to put on the record regarding their results and experience. 

"Kates Flow Valve does a great job of regulating flow regardless of downstream pressure variations. Pressure and flow control are both critical variables on Mechanical Seal Plan 54. When splitting lines on a plan 54, the Kates valve will maintain the flow setpoint for each line with an accuracy of 1.5% of the setpoint.

In order to maintain equal pressure in both lines downstream the Kates valve, we recommend two independent back pressure control regulators.

The Kates valve allows you to split flow from a header while allowing the user to adjust to each line to the desired pressure..WITHOUT EFFECTING THE!

I can’t tell you how much this has aided in our confidence of the Kates valve.

To be honest, at first, I thought it was smoke and mirrors but now I can eat my words and say “Kates is my preferred way for header distribution flow control.”

We believe in our products enough to put them to the test in your environment. If you or someone at your company would like to explore that option, just fill out this contact form to get started or start a live chat with us at the bottom of this page. 

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